Exciting News: City of Palo Alto Mayor visits our newly-elected Young Mayors of our LEGO cities! During our summer camps hosted with the City of Palo Alto, a special visit was planned! Mayor Stone of Palo Alto came to visit our lucky campers over at Lucie Stern Community Center. Mayor stone took a tour of the 9 newly built LEGO cities, and interviewed every city building team! At the end of his visit, the campers had the chance to ask some hard-hitting questions to the real mayor. We want to share a special thank-you to Mayor Stone and the CIty of Palo Alto for this wonderful vist and sharing his insights/real-life experiences as a Mayor! See our Summer Highlights video here: |

Fall, Winter and Spring camp season 2024-2025
Exciting News: Fall, Winter, and Spring LEGO City Building & Leadership Camps! We are thrilled to announce our upcoming LEGO City Building and Leadership Camps